Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)
Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
Let’s Go Fishing keeps making it happen
Since 2002, the organization and its volunteers give back to seniors and others by hosting them on fishing and boating excursions on Green Lake Leo Breyer, far left, reacts to catching a sunfish as Let’s Go Fishing volunteer Ron Haugen, center, helps free the fish from the hook during a fishing trip on Green […]
A Psychotherapist Explains Why Connection To Nature Is Essential For Mental Health
If you feel more relaxed and recharged after a day at the beach or a hike in the mountains, there is a psychological reason for that. Interacting with the natural world is good not only for our bodies but for our minds and spirits too. What ecopsychology teaches us about why we need regular interaction […]
Let’s Go Fishing keeps making it happen
Since 2002, the organization and its volunteers give back to seniors and others by hosting them on fishing and boating excursions on Green Lake Leo Breyer, far left, reacts to catching a sunfish as Let’s Go Fishing volunteer Ron Haugen, center, helps free the fish from the hook during a fishing trip on Green […]
A Psychotherapist Explains Why Connection To Nature Is Essential For Mental Health
If you feel more relaxed and recharged after a day at the beach or a hike in the mountains, there is a psychological reason for that. Interacting with the natural world is good not only for our bodies but for our minds and spirits too. What ecopsychology teaches us about why we need regular interaction […]